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Τρίτη 16 Αυγούστου 2022

K.Mitsotakis versus D.Trump in Nixons's background

WWIII is no doubt in progress. Globalization and digitalization have reached a point where humans may become the master or the victim of their life. What was built back in Westphalian towns, at 1648, is indeed outdated and dysfunctional. Ancient Greeks' democracy prototype may become a reallity now. A true modern democracy rule of order and not the current illusion of people's rule that exists and leads to an autarhic democracy or any other authorative regime around the World.

Humanity will meet its destiny. What failed back in John F. Kennedy's and Rixhard Nixon's U.S. Presidency has its second and last chance nowadays. A European Union's "Watergate" has been revealed with Greek Prime Minister K.Mitsotakis being in the centre of this huricane. Ariadne's thread this time is Pegasus, a spyware that has helped World Deep State to prevail humans and societies through Transnational Organised Crime (TOC), its operational bifurcation, in Europe and on the other side of Atlantic.

Simultanously, as K.Mitsotakis found guilty in Greeks consiousnessno matter his ridiculous public announcement of ignorance, FBI stormed in D.Trump's private room to search for proofs of guiltness. Richard Nixon's before returning to US and resigning from US Presidency, under Watergate's scandal pressure, had paid an official visit to Turkey. 

The state of past glorious Minor Asia and Constantinopole, a seaside area inhabited by Greeks before the ancient civilisations of Greeks, Romans and Byzantines were replaced by Ottomans's scotadism coming from Mongolia, reaching and routed in the outskits of Vienna and Huns. Ottomans apart from enforcing their suppresive regime, they brought opium, a medicine for democracy's encroachment since then. Middle Ages of human slavery under the Eastern Sultan and Western Church's authoriatiranism prevailed and occluded ancient Athen's free spirit of speech and thought deep under the ground.

What Richard Nixon has demanded in the bridge of Europe and Minor Asia was for Turkey to stop its role of World's opium producer and Greece of its global transporter one, indeed. What he received was his resignation. Nowadays, Greece's authoritarian regime is facing its collapse upon the revelation of its deeds against democracy. Politicians, journalists, judges and military officers were all under illegal surveillance with the excuse either of enemy of state or drug dealers' collaborators. These were arguments signed by a woman Attorney,that surely caused a laugh. A disgrace of democracy. The day after is unknown and that scares K.Mitsotakis' regime as it's crime may be not covered by the next Greek government. He struggles to remain in power, to exchange his succession, to avoid elections and Greeks' democratic will.

For K.Mitsotakis a probable collapse is ahead of a decisive winter time, with Russia advancing in Ukraine and D.Trump's hostage providing a unique chance for EU "J.Edgar Hoover", Madam "O". The Greek woman who rules Europe and its puppets, is setting up an exchange of hostages for retaining Greece and Turkey's regimes, the womb of transnational organised crime, for her bosses and herself vicious plan. 

Humanity of the 21th century, is heading towards its slavery under authoritarian regimes, including authoritarian democracy, while opium is officialy being offered as a medicine for  the globally miserable life . A life of artificial reproduction, atheism, non-creativity and control of thought and life. A life of human intoxicated slaves obeying authoritative programmed robots.

A World of some hundreds of families enforcing a global government and billions of humans slaves, inevitably. If Mitsotakis or Trump survives politically it will be seen soon. WWIII enters a new phase and resistance of World Deep State will be fierce to the end as Hitler's regime did. No doubt, whoever dares will win and humanity will meet its destiny. Prometheus gave the fire to humans and it is time for this fire to burn the evil of this World at any cost. Before evil's nuclear fire destroys humanity once more.

To my friend of life, Suzette.


Στίχοι: Άκης Πάνου Μουσική: Άκης Πάνου Ερμηνεία: Γρηγόρης Μπιθικώτσης