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Πέμπτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Ukraine’s Public Administration Institutions to Benefit from Modernized Information Systems, with European Union and World Bank Support

The National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service (NACS) signed today a $1.5 million contract for the supply and installation of a Human Resources (and Payroll) Management Information System (HRMIS) for Ukrainian public administration institutions...

The HRMIS is a modern software that combines and automates a number of HR functions and analytical tools, such as storing employee data, managing payrolls, recruitment, and benefits administration. It also provides public access to open data related to the headcount and payroll of public administration institutions.

“Signing the contract for the implementation of the Management Information System is a critical milestone in Ukrainian civil service modernization. For the first time, all civil servants in Ukraine will be registered,” says Satu Kahkonen, World Bank Country Director for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. “Successful implementation of the system will help enhance the quality, effectiveness and transparency of the Ukrainian civil service.”

The HRMIS is procured within the Strengthening Public Resource Management Project, which is part of a large EU-funded program supporting Ukraine's 2016-2020 Public Administration Reform Strategy adopted in 2016. The NACS is in charge of the HRMIS implementation, based on the 2016-2020 PAR Strategy and HRMIS Concept adopted by the Government of Ukraine in December 2017. 

 “The EU is pleased to support the modernization of the Human Resource Management of Ukrainian public institutions. I’m convinced that introducing this modern software will take civil service HR management to another level,” says Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine. “This will not only improve and simplify processes but increase transparency and accountability. This process is part of wider EU support to Ukrainian Public Administration Reform.”

The first phase of implementation will see the introduction of fourteen out of a total of eighteen functional modules of the HRMIS, which will be rolled-out in the NACS, the State Agency for E-Governance, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as in eighteen ministries. These key modules, inter alia, will support the management of positions and the personal profiles of civil servants, competitive recruitment, travel management, and payroll.

“Introduction of the HRMIS will be a major step in implementing the policy of the Ukrainian Government aimed at creating a modern information system for human resource management and payroll in government bodies,” says Kostyantyn Vashchenko, Head of the National Civil Service Agency of Ukraine.

Subject to the availability of additional funding and a satisfactory performance of the supplier, the contract will be later amended to add four additional modules, and roll-out the system to the remaining central authorities and regional and rayon administrations. The additional modules will include HR self-service, management of performance and competences, as well as reporting and analytics.