US President Donald J. Trump became a Game changer last week with his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria and reduce those in Afghanistan.
What was taken for granted for decades changed with one decision while affecting all strategies both nations and personal ones. Though Donald J. Trump had warned a year ago in his National Security Strategy 2017 for a more balanced promotion of US power without neglecting its core values not many seem to have taken him seriously.
The one-century tradition to have US either coming as the "World cavalry" to save the World from Nazism, Communism and radical Islam or engaging where security threats are emerging with others bandwagoning only, was pleasant for all, allies and enemies.
Turkey is ready to invade Syria eastwards Euphrates River and link with its new strategic allies Iran and Russia. Kurds, as a nation of 25 million stateless people for a century at least, pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for us but even this seems inadequate for them to shape a country.
If something is for sure following Donald J. Trump's decision is that International Relations have entered a new era where nothing is predictable apart the final winner. Happy New Year and a prosperous 2019...