Letta Kalamara
Published 27 Nov 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump has stated on numerous occasions that he wants to stop the emerge of a "Third World War", according to Nicholas Ross Smith writer of the book "EU-Russian Relations and the Ukraine Crisis".
Published 27 Nov 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump has stated on numerous occasions that he wants to stop the emerge of a "Third World War", according to Nicholas Ross Smith writer of the book "EU-Russian Relations and the Ukraine Crisis".
A dramatic fall in Russian's confidence to their President Putin has shown recent polls. According to independent Levanta Centre only 39% of Russian consider Putin reliable anymore while this percentage one year ago in November 2017 was 59%. Analysts attributed this fall to pension reforms that Putin wants to enforce upon Russians. In another poll only 45% would vote for Putin if elections were hold tomorrow while in the beginning of the year this percentage was 67%. This is the lowest Putin's acceptance since 2013 when Crimea eventsjetted his popularity.
Frau Angela Merkel lives her last days seating on the of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000 as on the the 6th December party elections will be hold. A dubious era for Germany and Europe is coming to the end. In the same time on the 11th December BREXIT or the start of BREXIN will be decided along with the fate of UK Prime Minister Theresa May. In Greece, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who opened the doors of Europe to millions of immigrants coming from Turkey since 2015 is near his fall while Greece has been disclosed from markets no matter the successful competition of EU and IMF program. Indeed, the strongest of the three will leave last from his throne.
East Med Pipeline agreed by Cyprus, Greece, Israel and Italy promises an energy independence of Europe soon and why not an new era of freedom and liberty for more Europeans.
Who really wants a WWIII in this new epoch of digitization and prosperity ahead of us it is really a mystery...
Who really wants a WWIII in this new epoch of digitization and prosperity ahead of us it is really a mystery...
Let Peace and Love prevail among humans!