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Πέμπτη 12 Ιουλίου 2018

.ελ domain name

On July 10th, at 11:00 local time, the [.ελ] Domain Name Registry started its operation.

The registration of a .ελ domain name will be possible for anyone interested, as long as the requested domain name is not the same or homograph with an already assigned .gr domain name.

Specifically, for the protection of the owners of .gr assigned domain names that wish to register the corresponding .ελ domain name, there will be a period of three (3) months in which the following restrictions will apply:

a) [.ελ] Domain Names in which the Variable Field is the same or a homograph of the Variable Field of already assigned second level [.gr] Domain Names are to be assigned only to the Registrant / Holder of the corresponding second level [.gr] Domain Name.

b) [.ελ] Domain Names in which the Variable Field is the same or a homograph of the Variable Field of already assigned third level [.gr] Domain Names in which the second level is Non-variable and assuming there is no assigned second level [.gr] Domain Name with the same or a homograph Variable Field are to be assigned to the Registrant / Holder of the corresponding third level [.gr] Domain Name that submits a Registration Declaration first. 

c) In case there are homograph second level [.gr] Domain Names assigned to different Holders, then the corresponding [.ελ] Domain Names are not assigned.

After the end of this period (10/10/2018 at 11:00 local time), the above limitations will cease to apply, and each .ελ domain name will be available for registration without any limitation.

The terms and conditions for registering .ελ domain names can be found in the following link: